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मई माह में आयोजित किया जाएगा CET का पेपर, CET के लिए सभी जरूरी तैयारियाँ पूरी की गई ,मुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनी ने सदन में दी जानकारीहरियाणा विधानसभा का बजट सत्र,सदन में ध्यानाकर्षण प्रस्ताव पर चर्चाप्रदेश में निकाय चुनाव में भाजपा की जीत का श्रेय प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के कुशल नेतृत्व और उनकी जनकल्याणकारी नीतियों को जाता है- विकास एवं पंचायत मंत्री कृष्ण लाल पंवारप्रदेश में डॉक्टरों की कमी नहीं रहने दी जाएगी : स्वास्थ्य मंत्रीभाजपा वार्ड से लेकर विधानसभा और पंचायत से लेकर पार्लियामेंट तक लोगों की पहली पसंद बन चुकी : केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री अमित शाहमुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनी के बतौर मुख्यमंत्री एक साल पूरा होने पर दर्शनार्थियों का एक दल हुआ अयोध्या रवाना मुख्यमंत्री तीर्थ यात्रा योजना के तहत लाभार्थियों को कराया जाएगा अयोध्या दर्शन मुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनी ने हरी झंडी दिखाकर किया रवाना दर्शनार्थियों ने मुख्यमंत्री को एक सफल साल पूरा करने करने पर दी बधाई और आशीर्वादआज चंडीगढ़ में पंजाब विश्वविद्यालय के दीक्षांत समारोह में शामिल होंगी राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मू ऑपरेशन सफल होगा, आतंकवादियों का सफाया करेंगे', ट्रेन हाइजैक पर बोले PAK के PM

Regarding the issues of Research Scholars of India

January 02, 2015 03:10 PM


The Prime Minister


Through: Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Sub: Regarding the issues of Research Scholars of India

Respected Sir,

We want to bring to your notice issues regarding research scholars of India. Research scholars are facing many problems in various forms across the country. One of our colleagues Siva Ranjan Uppala (Ph.D. Research Scholar, ISSER, Mohali, Punjab) has started Paidal March from Mohali to Delhi to draw the attention of concerned towards the following demands of research scholars-

  1. The government must ensure regular disbursal of fellowship, contingency, medical and other rightful benefits for all the scholars in various institutions and must be same all over India.
  2. There must be a slab implementation of JRF to SRF (1.3 fold of JRF) and SRF to RA (1.3 fold of SRF). Must revise the fellowship amount on the basis of inflation factor regularly. By providing the proper amount of fellowship and facilities, stop our students to do Ph.D. in abroad.
  3. In similar to the previous hikes, initiate the recent hike from 1st April 2014 for all the scholars and project fellows irrespective of the funding agency (including scholars in Universities).
  4. All discriminating fees including registration fee, semester fees etc. must be revoked in all research institutions.
  5. National-exam qualified students are not willing to join in most of our Universities to do research. Develop research infrastructure in the Universities and increase the scope of research for more number of students (problems of libraries, laboratories, instruments and all related issues).
  6. Government funding and infrastructure for research (including research in Basic Sciences, medical, Agriculture, Engineering and Arts) must be increased.
  7. The government must take lifelong medication responsibility for researchers working in nuclear, chemical and other hazardous fields.
  8. The government must ensure the scope of continuation of research and worthy employment after PhD and post-doctoral studies for Research scholars.
  9. Researchers coming after their post-doctoral studies are struggling to get faculty (or scientist) positions. The process of faculty recruitment must be transparent in all the institutes and Universities. Must appoint faculties in all the vacant positions.
  10. Effective measures must be taken to prevent all kinds of corruption. Misuse and wastage of funds, facilities must be stopped.
  11. Privatization and commercialization of research sector and research outputs must be immediately stopped and proper measures must be taken to make this sector free from the hands of private gainers.

In addition, his initiative movement is going on social networking. These are the facebook pages comprising of the concerned activities of research scholars-

Fight for the Rights of Ph.D. Scholars:

Hike in Fellowship:

Hike Research Fellowship:

Researchers in India, wake up having research problems in mind unlike others, miss food, sleep, feel happy in getting results (small or big), miss personal life and family, believe the higher authority, the government and never demanded for anything. But, this time, researchers worried about the government policies, politics and decided to fight for basic rights.

Now, this is humble request to you, please take immediate steps to provide the relief to the research scholars for the betterment of society.



Joint Students Action Committee,

Panjab University, Chandigarh

Date: 2/1/2015

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