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Niyalya se

HC: Zero tolerance for lawyers who spoil image of profession

February 09, 2021 05:17 AM


HC: Zero tolerance for lawyers who spoil image of profession
HT Correspondent

Chennai : The Madras high court on Monday came down heavily on advocates indulging in illegal activities such as land-grabbing and spoiling the image of the profession while hearing a writ petition against a group of people that included lawyers who allegedly tried to take over a property by force.

“When it comes to the conduct of the advocates, there will be zero tolerance shown by this Court and this Court has to ensure that the activities of some of the advocates do not spoil the image of the entire profession,” justice Anand Venketash said.

He observed that it was the third time in a month that it was brought to the court’s notice that “advocates (were) indulging themselves in criminal activities by forming part of an unlawful assembly and making attempts to grab properties”. “It looks like the lockdown period (due to Covid-19), has again revived this despicable practice and once again some advocates are indulging in illegal activities of grabbing properties,” it said

The petitioner, PS Kirubakaran, said police protection wasn’t given to the property due to the presence of advocates. In its interim order on Monday, HC directed the police authority to provide protection to the property. The court said that advocates’ participation was evident from photographs and called for the advocates to be identified. “This report will form the basis for this Court to give a complaint before the Bar Council of TN and Pondicherry against the concerned advocates.” The matter has been posted for March 2.A

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