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हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री नायब सैनी कैबिनेट बैठक में लिए गए निर्णयों के बारे में जानकारी देते हुएसभी जनप्रतिनिधि बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ, स्वच्छता और नशा मुक्ति के लिए मिशन मोड में कार्य करने का ले संकल्प - मुख्यमंत्रीपंजाब विधानसभा परिसर में मुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनी ने स्पीकर हरिवंद्र कल्याण मिलेबाबा भीमराव अंबेडकर की जयंती पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी हरियाणा में कई परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन करेंगे:नायब सैनी, मुख्यमंत्रीऊर्जा, परिवहन एवं श्रम मंत्री अनिल विज ने अम्बाला-साहा रोड पर अम्बाला छावनी सीमा पर स्वागतद्वार निर्माण के लिए 34 लाख रुपए जारी किएरबी की फसलों की खरीद के लिए एजेंसियां कर लें पूरी तैयारियां, ताकि किसानों को फसल बेचने में न आए दिक्कत- मुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनीमुख्यमंत्री ने कुरुक्षेत्र से किया एक मुश्त निपटान स्कीम-2025 का शुभारंभखेल नीति की वजह से पूरी दुनिया में है हरियाणा का नाम- मंत्री कृष्ण कुमार बेदी

Now, US lawmakers voice support for protesting farmers

December 09, 2020 05:40 AM


Now, US lawmakers voice support for protesting farmers
Press Trust of India


Washington : Several US lawmakers and eminent members of the Sikh community in America have voiced their support for farmers agitating in India against the new farm laws and urged that they be allowed to protest peacefully.

Dubbing these laws as “anti-farmer”, these farmers claim that the newly enacted legislations would pave the way for the dismantling of the minimum support price system, leaving them at the “mercy” of big corporations. However, the government has maintained that the new laws will bring farmers better opportunities and usher in new technologies in agriculture.

“I stand in solidarity with the Punjabi farmers in India protesting for their livelihoods and protection from misguided, manipulative government regulations,” Congressman Doug LaMalfa said on Monday. “Punjabi farmers must be allowed to protest peacefully against their government without fear of violence,” said the lawmaker who represents Californian’s first Congressional district.

India has called the remarks by foreign leaders and politicians on protests by farmers as “ill-informed” and “unwarranted” as the matter pertained to the internal affairs of a democratic country.

“India is the world’s largest Democracy - they owe it to their citizens to allow peaceful protest. I encourage these folks and PM (Narendra) Modi to have peaceful, productive discussions,” Democratic Congressman Josh Harder said.

Congressman TJ Cox said India must uphold the right to peaceful demonstration and ensure their citizens’ safety. The rights of farmers protesting must be respected and meaningful dialogue is the way forward, the Democratic leader asserted.

Congressman Andy Levin said he was inspired by the movement of farmers in India. “I see it as a harbinger of a people power year in 2021,” the Democratic lawmaker said.

The US Sikh Community on Monday urged Prime Minister Modi to accept the demands of the agitating farmers and continue to have a dialogue with them. In a letter, the Sikhs of America urged the prime minister to recognise the farmers protest as a national protest and not a regional one

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